Legs spread and knees up...

"Jerry, Sometime in 2004 I was clamped on a
table with legs spread and knees up. On the side of
the table was a machine with a tall jar filled with
clear liquid and many wires coming out of the top. The
instrument that they used on me was a three-foot long
silver wire with a rounded tip that came out of the
bottom. The four aliens around the table had their
hands on me at different places. I was scared, but in
my mind they kept telling me they were not going to
hurt me. I felt great pain and cramping when they
inserted the humming tip inside of me.

One alien who told me to call him "Mister Humphrey,"
was one who talked to me in my head the most. He told
me I needed to move to Chico. I told him I didn't have
a job there and he told me I would be offered a
wonderful job when I arrived. I uprooted my family in
the middle of a school year. I have two lil boys. I
found an apartment and lived there for three months
borrowing money from friends and family. No job ever
came to me. I was evicted.

The aliens lied to me. They raped me and lied to me.
Child services last year removed my children from me
and I can't afford legal help.

I was arrested two months ago because a crazy lady in
the apartment next to me called the cops and lied to
them that I was a hooker.

Aliens will lie to you. I know they have abducted me
since I was a teenager and they always lie about how
great things will be. Then they leave you. Wham bamm
thank you spaceman!

I know you are a kind person, I hear it in your voice.
I wouldn't ask you if I didn't need the help. If you
could find it in your heart to loan me some money,
just enough for me to get flush, I would really do
anything for you. I miss my babies and my bills are
too big. If some of your listeners and fans could
spare some money too I might be able to afford getting
back on methadone treatments.

Also I know NIN's is coming back and I would love to
go to see them with you. Let me know if you can help.

Thanks, Sheila"

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